Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Wind Down

I'm currently on the home run as my school finishes on Friday - which means that I have about 1 1/2 days of actual teaching left. Today has been one of busyness and extra supervisions, but the end is in sight. I am looking down the gun of 3 weeks off, but - my wife has a case of pneumonia very bad bronchitis and I will be nursing her over the next few days and the start of the break (she had pneumonia for 3-4 weeks earlier this year in February); my son and I have to complete building a large tent-like structure this weekend; blinds have to be hung (with his help) - a left over job from the last holiday break; and I need to begin talking to real estate agents about the sale of my house. Change is in the wind and although things I had hoped for during the break aren't to be, I'll be trying to catch up on reading and viewing as well as building renovations and schoolwork preparation for the next half of the year - it's gonna be big!

So if you think the blogs have been fast and furious now, expect more literary efforts - sparse and leaner - perhaps a little less maudlin and introspective. This week I've been making up for lost blog time (apologies for the profusion of Magritte and Schatz) due to marking and other distractions! I've put on my stiff upper lip, steeled myself and am looking forward to what's around the corner. I'll also try and post some of the latest artistic efforts from some students so you can see their results for the last term... some lovely landscapes and unusual approaches in paint.

Burn brightly, Pete


  1. You're selling?

  2. Dipping toes into the murky waters of real estate. All of the family is in agreement, but my wife does not want to be rushed into any fast decisions, so this is the first foray to find out possibilities and then talk time frames. We've been here 25 years and there is much uncertainty about where we'll all end up. It won't be happening quickly -possibly by the end of year or early 2012.
